5 on my tbr

#5OnMyTBR – Multiple POV

#5OnMyTBR is a bookish meme hosted by E. @ Local Bee Hunter’s Nook where you chose five books from your to-be-read pile that fit that week’s theme. If you’d like more info, head over to the announcement post!

Hello, reader!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday. It’s currently snowing and sleeting outside right now, so I’m very glad that I’m not working today and already ran all my errands. This is the perfect weather to stay inside and curl up with a book! Speaking of, it’s time for another 5 On My TBR where I talk about books that I want to read. The theme for this week is books with multiple POVs and I have a lot of books that can fit.

So let me show which five I decided to pick!

#1. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

I’m embarrassed to admit how long this book (and the series) have been on my TBR 😬 This fantasy revolves around two people living in a very military focused world. It is a pretty beloved series and I have major FOMO because I still haven’t read it! I do own this book, though, so hopefully I can get to it this year since I’m trying to mainly read from my owned books.

#2. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

This is another book and author that I’ve been meaning to try for awhile. It is set during a devastating pandemic and we’re following a troupe of Shakespearian actors. I’ve heard nothing but praise for this book and the author, which is why I’ve been intrigued. I also love that we’re following a bunch of actors in the end times. It can only add to the drama, haha. I’m hoping to pick this one up sooner rather than later!

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