cant wait wednesday

Can’t Wait Wednesday: Mar 11, 2020

Ya girl is still reading the same books she was reading last week, so instead of doing WWW Wednesday, I thought I’d try out Can’t Wait Wednesday! I discovered this meme over at One Book More, which is a great blog you should all give a look/follow, just sayin’. It is currently hosted by Wishful Endings and was previously hosted by Breaking the Spine. The point is to highlight an upcoming book which you are excited to read.

I have so many books that I’m anxious to read in 2020, so I decided to focus on the one that is coming out the soonest. Want some hints?

  • It’s a young adult sci-fi romp
  • There’s an empire and a rebellion, so I’m expecting C H A O S

My book for Can’t Wait Wednesday is…

Goodreads Synopsis:

“A young pilot risks everything to save his best friend–the man he trusts most and might even love–only to learn that he’s secretly the heir to a brutal galactic empire.

Ettian Nassun’s life was shattered when the merciless Umber Empire invaded. He’s spent seven years putting himself back together under its rule, joining an Umber military academy and becoming the best pilot in his class. Even better, he’s met Gal Veres–his exasperating and infuriatingly enticing roommate who’s made the Academy feel like a new home.

But when dozens of classmates spring an assassination plot on Gal, a devastating secret comes to light: Gal is the heir to the Umber Empire. Ettian barely manages to save his best friend and flee the compromised Academy unscathed, rattled both that Gal stands to inherit the empire that broke him and that there are still people willing to fight back against Umber rule. As they piece together a way to deliver Gal safely to his throne, Ettian finds himself torn in half by an impossible choice. Does he save the man who’s won his heart and trust that Gal’s goodness could transform the empire? Or does he throw his lot in with the brewing rebellion and fight to take back what’s rightfully theirs?”

Publication Date: April 7th, 2020

Why I’m Excited:

I mean, did you read the synopsis? It sounds like it’s gonna be a RIDE! I’ve been really loving sci-fi, lately, and I’ve been wanting to read more books with LGBTQIA+ rep. When I found out about this book, my heart did a little dance. It sounds like it’s going to play with my emotions and I am R E A D Y.

Also, I kind of love the cover 😍

Also also, I really need to stop starting all these dang series when I have so many to freakin’ finish…

…Like that’s ever gonna happen 😂🤣

Did you find the synopsis of this book intriguing? What’s an unreleased book that you can’t wait to read? Let me know in the comments!

And, as always, happy reading!

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